viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Summer Queen Party !

Yesterday we had our school Summer Queen Party, it was really fun!
We danced a lot and we found out who the new Summer Queen was and who was elected as her knight.
My boyfriend was one of the candidates and he won :D

We also had this photo station to raise funds for our Seminario... It was fun but tiring because we had to recieve the money, print the photos, cut them and look for the people who bought it to deliver the photos.


domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

Selling roses..

Well.. it was almost Valentine's day and we came up with an idea to raise funds for our "Proyecto de Seminario". 
My group & I decided to sell roses in school that day. We had to buy the packages of roses and take out the leaves, cut the stems, put them paper with hearts, make little cards with "To:" and "From:" and fill them.. and then on Valentine's day we deliver them. 

It was really fun :) here i'll leave you a picture of the ones who did this...

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

My boyfriend ♥

Today I wanted to talk about my boyfriend :D 
His name is Daniel, we've been together for 11 months and he is really special for me. 
He's like a little kid in a man's body. He's funny, sweet, nice, creative, unique, and sometimes silly which is really fun! 
He absolutely loooooves videos and blogs so he started doing a mix of them, video blogs popular known as vlogs. He's really good at it and he loves doing it so it's great :) 

I'll left you a link to see one of his works.. This is a little movie about our city and then you can check the rest of his videos :)

Shooting Time!

Well this time for our English Class we got an special assignment.. We had to do a commercial or a movie, we could do it of whatever we wanted to. Me and my friends decided to do a little movie about bullying to make conscious about this issue that is becoming really popular and that it's really horrible.
In the movie i'm the one who talks in the background telling everybody what happens in the story,,, Our movie is about an 18 year old boy that was played by Rodrigo, who was suffering from bullying because of his neighbors, Daniel and Manuel. His mom didn't listen to him only his best friend but anyway he was tired of their abuses so he decided to kill himself.
At the end everybody regrets it a lot and realizes how serious bullying can become.

Hello again, I haven't wrote because my other blog broke down... I still don't know what happened and I couldn't fix it so I had to make this new one. I've been busy with school because this week I'll start having my tests and I'm sick which doesn't help at all but I'll do my best to get good grades this unit :)