lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Tornado in Guatemala!

A tornado is a rotating column of air that is in contact with not only the clouds but also with the earth surface, it is the most intense atmospheric phenomenon.     

This type of phenomenon is also called twister or cyclone. Every tornado has different size and shape, but they are all surrounded by waste and dust.

When three elements get together a tornado happens. These elements are:
  • ·         An air mass warm and humid.
  • ·         An air mass cold and dry.
  • ·         An updraft.

Yesterday a crazy unusual thing hit Guatemala City; everyone was surprised to see a twister in a city where there is no presence of things like that.

It was a normal Sunday with a little bit of rain and a lot of clouds that all of a sudden turned into what it seemed to be a tornado. It didn´t only throw down trees but also it lifted roofs and caused a lot of fear around the citizens.

The worst thing about the ”tornado GT” is that ended up in a poor neighborhood or colony, and people who live there lost the little amount of things they had.

Experts say that this climatic phenomenon took place because of the dry climate and humidity levels presented in the capital of the country the last couple of days.

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Down syndrome

The famous Down syndrome used to be called mongolism, and it is also known as trisomy 21. This syndrome happens because of an alteration on the chromosome number 21.
It exactly occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. This form of Down syndrome is called Trisomy 21. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.
It produces malformations and it’s associated with moderate or several mental retardation. Children that have this syndrome are easily recognized because of their small height and ears, flattened nose, dry lips and tongue, slanted eyes… in fact almost every person with this syndrome look alike.
They are mentally, social, and physical delayed from normal kids’ development. They can reach a mental age of 8 years old which makes them need to live in a protective environment in order to feel loved and safe. 


viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Week of tests!

So this week i had my exams of the unit &I think I did good in everything except from math & chemistry.
I got a 50 over 50 in English test which makes me so happy &also makes me want to be like that on other subjects.
I think do good in school even though i don't spend that much time studying.. 
Will see my grades soon :) 

Grandma' of the year

Last Sunday was a special day around some cute ladies I know.
There's a nursing home called "Hogar  de ancianas Santa Luisa de Marillac" &every year they have the election for Grandma' of the year which is so cute!

Me &my friends helped doing the decoration for the "carroza" where the tree contestants/candidates  were during the little parade they had.
The winner was a 100 year old lady. I loved going there and seeing all the happy faces around the old ladies. 
                      -Great feeling <3

Talent show

Today was a fun day at school. It was the talent show and also the 
Presentation of the candidates for IGA Queen & "Señorita Deportes". 
It was nice to see talents of people who I had no idea could sing or dance. Between everything this year is my last time doing it so I enjoyed it a lot.


Well Regional Conference for Teachers of English was great! I felt like a little kid around all the teachers that were taking the congress but I really feel that I learned a lot &that will definitely help me if I want to become a teacher next year! 

Great experience!

Choosing my career.

So, a few months ago I had no idea to what I was going to study next year but then I realized I really liked a lot everything that had to do with physiotherapy because I enjoy spending time with kids with special abilities &needs.
I started doing some research &I have gone to talk with several physiotherapists &going to institutions like fundal so I see if that's really my vocation (I think that's how you say vocación haha).
The more I know, the more I like it! :D

BigMc Production

My boyfriend looked up the big mc recipe the other day &we decided to try to make some.
We thought it was not going to taste the same but it did.
 Even my mom tried them &said it tasted as a regular big mc!