viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

What a game..!

Cranium is a really cool game because everyone has to think a lot and give it a try! In this game you get to answer different type of questions depending on the color you get on the dice.. But also you will have to make your mates guess with different methods. Questions may be guessed with mimics, wistles, escultures made with "plasticina", making someone your own "titere", completing words, etcetera! This game will give you something to think about :) 

Time to study!

Horror week here I go! This week I have tests which means I would be stressed, tired & look like a zombie wooho! Every time I want to stop going to school i remember this is my last year &that makes me wanna try my best and graduate with great grades. This week i will study hard :)

Rainy days...

Rainy days, I don't know what to say about them. I love them but I hate them too.. I love to hear the rain falling and watch it on my window have you try to sleep when it's raining? It's the greatest thing you can do, so relaxing and peaceful. But I hate them because if it decides to rain when I have plans, my plans are screwed.. I also hate it because it makes me sick. Right now I have a cold because of this weather. So rainy days I love&hate you! 

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Senior Year..

School, school... it has stressed me so many years but now that it’s my last year I don’t want it to end.
This is kind of melancholic and a mix of emotions; by one side I’m tired of doing homework all afternoon and feeling stressed because of projects and tests, but in the other hand I'm going to miss all my classmates and friends and the school environment in general next year.
I know that college would definitely not be the same as school and I will separate from people who I love very much and that I have been with for many years.
Now I have to look forward to my future and finally decide what to study on university because that’s what I would do my whole life…
Anyway I’m enjoying my senior year and having a lot of fun at school!        


jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Getting Busy

Well this is my senior year but so far it had been going well and easy but everyday it's becoming harder. I'm getting more homework and I'm starting proyects.
What it's most stressfull is Seminario and Temario because if I don't accomplish what I have to do in those courses I won't graduate.
I'm trying to take it easy and don't get stressful, well at least no yet. And do the best I can do to have great grades :)