domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012


We can describe Marketing as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offers that have value for customers, clients or society in general.

But what is marketing useful for?
Marketing is used to identify the customer, satisfy him and keep it. With the customer as the center of its activities, marketing is one of the major components of business management. Marketing evolved to meet the stasis in developing new markets caused by mature markets and overcapacities in the last 2-3 centuries. The adoption of marketing strategies requires businesses to shift their focus from production to the perceived needs and wants of their customers as the means of staying profitable. 
In order to have a good marketing strategy we need to have set a target audience which is a specific group of people where a certain product or the marketing message of a product is aimed or focused at. In other words is where the product is going to be sold. For example if you want to sell trips to the places Catholics consider sacred you won’t try to get atheists to buy them, you got to have your target audience well-defined. For example if a product is made for young people all the marketing strategy have to be directed to the target audience, Young people.


lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Tornado in Guatemala!

A tornado is a rotating column of air that is in contact with not only the clouds but also with the earth surface, it is the most intense atmospheric phenomenon.     

This type of phenomenon is also called twister or cyclone. Every tornado has different size and shape, but they are all surrounded by waste and dust.

When three elements get together a tornado happens. These elements are:
  • ·         An air mass warm and humid.
  • ·         An air mass cold and dry.
  • ·         An updraft.

Yesterday a crazy unusual thing hit Guatemala City; everyone was surprised to see a twister in a city where there is no presence of things like that.

It was a normal Sunday with a little bit of rain and a lot of clouds that all of a sudden turned into what it seemed to be a tornado. It didn´t only throw down trees but also it lifted roofs and caused a lot of fear around the citizens.

The worst thing about the ”tornado GT” is that ended up in a poor neighborhood or colony, and people who live there lost the little amount of things they had.

Experts say that this climatic phenomenon took place because of the dry climate and humidity levels presented in the capital of the country the last couple of days.

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Down syndrome

The famous Down syndrome used to be called mongolism, and it is also known as trisomy 21. This syndrome happens because of an alteration on the chromosome number 21.
It exactly occurs when there is an extra copy of chromosome 21. This form of Down syndrome is called Trisomy 21. The extra chromosome causes problems with the way the body and brain develop.
It produces malformations and it’s associated with moderate or several mental retardation. Children that have this syndrome are easily recognized because of their small height and ears, flattened nose, dry lips and tongue, slanted eyes… in fact almost every person with this syndrome look alike.
They are mentally, social, and physical delayed from normal kids’ development. They can reach a mental age of 8 years old which makes them need to live in a protective environment in order to feel loved and safe. 


viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Week of tests!

So this week i had my exams of the unit &I think I did good in everything except from math & chemistry.
I got a 50 over 50 in English test which makes me so happy &also makes me want to be like that on other subjects.
I think do good in school even though i don't spend that much time studying.. 
Will see my grades soon :) 

Grandma' of the year

Last Sunday was a special day around some cute ladies I know.
There's a nursing home called "Hogar  de ancianas Santa Luisa de Marillac" &every year they have the election for Grandma' of the year which is so cute!

Me &my friends helped doing the decoration for the "carroza" where the tree contestants/candidates  were during the little parade they had.
The winner was a 100 year old lady. I loved going there and seeing all the happy faces around the old ladies. 
                      -Great feeling <3

Talent show

Today was a fun day at school. It was the talent show and also the 
Presentation of the candidates for IGA Queen & "Señorita Deportes". 
It was nice to see talents of people who I had no idea could sing or dance. Between everything this year is my last time doing it so I enjoyed it a lot.


Well Regional Conference for Teachers of English was great! I felt like a little kid around all the teachers that were taking the congress but I really feel that I learned a lot &that will definitely help me if I want to become a teacher next year! 

Great experience!

Choosing my career.

So, a few months ago I had no idea to what I was going to study next year but then I realized I really liked a lot everything that had to do with physiotherapy because I enjoy spending time with kids with special abilities &needs.
I started doing some research &I have gone to talk with several physiotherapists &going to institutions like fundal so I see if that's really my vocation (I think that's how you say vocación haha).
The more I know, the more I like it! :D

BigMc Production

My boyfriend looked up the big mc recipe the other day &we decided to try to make some.
We thought it was not going to taste the same but it did.
 Even my mom tried them &said it tasted as a regular big mc!

sábado, 28 de julio de 2012

Irish rose

This is a story about an 18 year old lady called Mary Flynn, she always wanted to be an actress but what she wanted the most it was showing the world she was more than just a pretty face. She starred in a film called Irish Rose with a really famous actor, Declan Knight, she was such a good actress that people didn’t even speak about Declan. It was 31 July 2004 in the party of her film. She was the center of attention.
She loved the fact that everybody was telling her how good she was, but then she just wanted to get away from photographers and reporters for a while.  She decided to go outside to a big park that was in front     of the hotel were the film party was taking place. When she got out she realized she was not the only one there, there was also this handsome man who was looking at her. She saw some lights in the middle of the park so she started walking towards the lights. When she got there she saw many dancers in there, she didn’t know them but she wanted to dance though.
All of a sudden the handsome man that she had seen outside the hotel offered her some fruits; she was hungry so she took one. The fruit looked so green and tasty, a large green apple. It was the best apple she had ever tasted.
When she finished eating the handsome man was still next to her, he offered her his hand and she took it. They started dancing and she was having a wonderful time with him that she even forgot what time it was. She realized she had to go back to the party so she just dropped the man’s hand and he understood.
When she got back to the hotel people looked at her, well she was famous. But the people in the room were different people all dressed with strange clothes… they were other people! She started looking for someone she could know but instead she got to a mirror and when she saw herself in it she was an old woman. She saw the date under the hotel clock and started crying. It was 31 July 2104.  


This story talks about an Irish man named Conor who worked on a company that produced computer games. “It’s called Space Journey and it’s going to be really big!” he said so happy talking about his new game.
One day Conor showed his game to his wife Holly, he had explained her that the game was about a family who got lost in space and wanted to home. The game had 5 “characters” that were the members of the family. They were checking out the game and all of a sudden a lady that was washing her hands full of blood appeared on the corner of the screen.  She asked Conor if she was the character number 6 but he said they were only 5 characters and maybe one of his co-workers had played him a joke. They turned on the sound of the game and they only heard the lady full of blood screaming, they got really scared so they went to sleep.
When they were about to sleep they decided to open the curtains so they could watch the moon thru their big window. All of a sudden the lady washing her hands in blood appeared again and she was screaming like in the game. Holly got really scared and screamed too. The phone rang, Conor went to pick up and someone told him that his stepdad had just died.
Some moths passed and one day talking to Bridie, Conor’s mom, they told her about the lady of the blood and she told them that the lady they had seen it was the banshee, a lady who comes towards Irish people to bring them the death news. So if you see her is because someone of your family it’s going to die.

We will wait, too.

This is a small text that talks about characters. What they are, who they are, how they are and how they become alive.
Writers make them maybe they take a lot of time deciding how they are going to be, they may be females or males, young or old, clever or stupid, good or bad, that’s just the writer decision and creativity.
Even though some writers create characters but don’t use them in their stories characters are already alive. They stay in the writers head waiting until they decide to write something about them. They become a ghost of an unborn character.
When writers get an idea to write they call it inspiration, sometimes the ghosts of unborn characters just want to live in one of the stories the writers are going to write with their inspiration. And they tell to the writers;
            ¡So, writers, let us live!          

Tales of the supernatural.

Ok so last year I had this assignment about reading a book called Tales of the supernatural that was written by Frank Brennan.
The book reunites many stories, with different characters and types of stories but they were all really interesting and mysterious.
In fact, there was a show at Warner Channel called "Tales of the supernatural", I really enjoyed reading this book because it was not boring at all.
I'll tell you a little bit about 3 stories in a while..

viernes, 18 de mayo de 2012

What a game..!

Cranium is a really cool game because everyone has to think a lot and give it a try! In this game you get to answer different type of questions depending on the color you get on the dice.. But also you will have to make your mates guess with different methods. Questions may be guessed with mimics, wistles, escultures made with "plasticina", making someone your own "titere", completing words, etcetera! This game will give you something to think about :) 

Time to study!

Horror week here I go! This week I have tests which means I would be stressed, tired & look like a zombie wooho! Every time I want to stop going to school i remember this is my last year &that makes me wanna try my best and graduate with great grades. This week i will study hard :)

Rainy days...

Rainy days, I don't know what to say about them. I love them but I hate them too.. I love to hear the rain falling and watch it on my window have you try to sleep when it's raining? It's the greatest thing you can do, so relaxing and peaceful. But I hate them because if it decides to rain when I have plans, my plans are screwed.. I also hate it because it makes me sick. Right now I have a cold because of this weather. So rainy days I love&hate you! 

lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

Senior Year..

School, school... it has stressed me so many years but now that it’s my last year I don’t want it to end.
This is kind of melancholic and a mix of emotions; by one side I’m tired of doing homework all afternoon and feeling stressed because of projects and tests, but in the other hand I'm going to miss all my classmates and friends and the school environment in general next year.
I know that college would definitely not be the same as school and I will separate from people who I love very much and that I have been with for many years.
Now I have to look forward to my future and finally decide what to study on university because that’s what I would do my whole life…
Anyway I’m enjoying my senior year and having a lot of fun at school!        


jueves, 10 de mayo de 2012

Getting Busy

Well this is my senior year but so far it had been going well and easy but everyday it's becoming harder. I'm getting more homework and I'm starting proyects.
What it's most stressfull is Seminario and Temario because if I don't accomplish what I have to do in those courses I won't graduate.
I'm trying to take it easy and don't get stressful, well at least no yet. And do the best I can do to have great grades :) 

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

My little friends…

I have a couple of little friends who I love a lot. They are kids who live in a foster home called “Hogar del niño minusvalido Hermano Pedro”, this is a place headed by a priest and some nuns who give home to many kids who are abandoned by their parents because of their special abilities. Some of them are in wheel chairs, some others have Down syndrome, two of them are blind, and others have different diseases.
This nuns and priest do an amazing work taking care of them, providing them education, food, home, but specially love!
These kids are just amazing and so lovable; anyone would enjoy spending time with them. They know exactly how to make you love them and they are also an example of how to be happy without caring about what you don’t have.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012

Holy Week

I know i'm just writing about weeks right? haha well this is about my vacation week.
My family and I went to honduras and Nicaragua by car which was really tiring and boring because we spent like two days sitting in the car.

Honduras was nice and with a cool weather, I visited Cópan it was nice but Tikal is so much better. And we also visited  Zamorano, a really good university in agronomy, because one of my cousins is a freshman there.

Then we hit the road to Nicaragua.. uhmm about that I can say it's a not too developed country with an ugly weather at least for me, must of the cities are really hot. And the people from there aren't that friendly so I can say I liked Honduras more.

And that was my holy week :) spending some quality time with my family!

Spirit Week!

School does this activity once a year.. It's a 5 day costumes week, which is really fun because everybody gets to dress up however they like just following the topic of the day.

This year the topics were:
*My 80 years'
*Famous American People 

We had a lot of fun & everyone enjoyed it :) it's a cool thing about my school.

here's a picture of my class on clown's day! :)

viernes, 30 de marzo de 2012

Summer Queen Party !

Yesterday we had our school Summer Queen Party, it was really fun!
We danced a lot and we found out who the new Summer Queen was and who was elected as her knight.
My boyfriend was one of the candidates and he won :D

We also had this photo station to raise funds for our Seminario... It was fun but tiring because we had to recieve the money, print the photos, cut them and look for the people who bought it to deliver the photos.


domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

Selling roses..

Well.. it was almost Valentine's day and we came up with an idea to raise funds for our "Proyecto de Seminario". 
My group & I decided to sell roses in school that day. We had to buy the packages of roses and take out the leaves, cut the stems, put them paper with hearts, make little cards with "To:" and "From:" and fill them.. and then on Valentine's day we deliver them. 

It was really fun :) here i'll leave you a picture of the ones who did this...

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012

My boyfriend ♥

Today I wanted to talk about my boyfriend :D 
His name is Daniel, we've been together for 11 months and he is really special for me. 
He's like a little kid in a man's body. He's funny, sweet, nice, creative, unique, and sometimes silly which is really fun! 
He absolutely loooooves videos and blogs so he started doing a mix of them, video blogs popular known as vlogs. He's really good at it and he loves doing it so it's great :) 

I'll left you a link to see one of his works.. This is a little movie about our city and then you can check the rest of his videos :)

Shooting Time!

Well this time for our English Class we got an special assignment.. We had to do a commercial or a movie, we could do it of whatever we wanted to. Me and my friends decided to do a little movie about bullying to make conscious about this issue that is becoming really popular and that it's really horrible.
In the movie i'm the one who talks in the background telling everybody what happens in the story,,, Our movie is about an 18 year old boy that was played by Rodrigo, who was suffering from bullying because of his neighbors, Daniel and Manuel. His mom didn't listen to him only his best friend but anyway he was tired of their abuses so he decided to kill himself.
At the end everybody regrets it a lot and realizes how serious bullying can become.

Hello again, I haven't wrote because my other blog broke down... I still don't know what happened and I couldn't fix it so I had to make this new one. I've been busy with school because this week I'll start having my tests and I'm sick which doesn't help at all but I'll do my best to get good grades this unit :)